
About me.

I’m Harrison Jones, a freelance graphic and web designer based in Whyteleafe, Surrey, just on the edges of London. I have over 13 years of experience in project management and client relations. Most of that time was spent in the property industry before I realised that my creative juices weren’t being put to good use.

Since my studies at Shillington Design College London, I now apply the business skills I learnt in property to really connect with my clients and get to the heart of what they are trying to achieve through design.

I value transparency and communication over all things. I believe that being as open as possible is vital when working with clients. It gives me the ability to manage expectations with the aim of keeping both sides on the same page. The communication aspect is about the power of listening and the art of speaking. It was once said ‘it’s not what we say, it’s what people hear’ and I try to approach communication in this way. Ensuring that my clients understand my thinking, my process and how we get to any particular outcome is the best way to a positive outcome.